Groupon is a group purchasing to get daily deals. Check out everyday deals on the website then sign up for it if enough people sign up then that deal will be activated. Once you signed up for particular deal spread the world so that enough people join it and deal gets activated interesting! I regularly visit deals2buy website to see if there is good deal for any product. Even if I do not need the product at that moment I do buy it for future use if I get it in a good deal. There is huge mass that does this way buying on discount not on need. According to this model sites buy inventory with businesses upfront and then sell it but they pay the businesses only after the fulfillment. Therefore they will always have the cash for the long run. Genius!
I did not know about Groupon till I read Dr. Anthony Miyazaki's blog. Me and my roommate got together on the weekends to find the deals for the weekly grocery it was fun. One thought came to my mind will this work in India. Groupon has not gone to India. But the model has, considering the success of Groupon there are few sites which have copied the model. I surfed through few group discount websites but the scope was too less. It was focusing more on restaurants and weekend sports events only. Online buying is not popular in India as of now. But in bigger cities like Mumbai, Banaglore, Delhi middle age people and young generation is addicted to internet. The average age in India will be 29 in 2020. Therefore I believe Groupon has a good future in India. Indian culture is collectivist, people go out in groups. For example, in restaurants you will see minimum 5 to 6 people on one table. Thats a winner right there for Groupon. Considering the population, growing economy, growing middleclass and most importantly huge number of small businesses, by proper marketing strategy Groupon can make it big in India.
I could not find Groupon in India, Instead few local companies who have copied the model. I believe Groupon is not spreading faster as much as it should be. If they don’t do it they will face competition and that will affect their business in future. Google has shown interest to buy them which Groupon has rejected. I hope they have better ideas and foresight.
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